Polling place vote tripling sample tick tock (for all audiences)

This is a sample schedule for volunteers doing polling place vote tripling at Early Vote or Election Day voting sites. This materials is intended for all audiences and implementations.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 16th, 2022

This is a sample schedule for volunteers doing polling place vote tripling at Early Vote or Election Day voting sites. We recommend downloading a copy of this tick tock and adjusting it to the needs of your program, schedule, and volunteers.

Time into Shift



- 0:30

Arrive at polling location 30 min early

  • Sign in with polling location captain 

  • Receive 10-15 minute training

- 0:15 

Set up materials near the appropriate exit of site before your first shift.

  • Scout all potential exits to the building. Strategically stand to optimize the number of voters you catch as they exit.

  • Place the container of (individually cut up) stickers on the ground or on a table next to you so voters can grab them on their own. 

  • Place hand sanitizer next to the container for voters to sanitize hands before grabbing a sticker.

Shift Start Time


Talk to Democrats to remind their friends as they leave voting sites:

  • Flag voter down if necessary

  • Each person does their own pitches, data collection & sticker distribution separately

  • Use tally sheet to track # of conversations with voter

  • Use tally sheet to track # of voters sending reminders in front of you.

  • Use tally sheet to track # of nos


Report numbers to point of contact {include reporting format}

Shift End Time


Debrief with polling location captain

  • Discuss what worked & what didn't work to get voters to send texts in front of you

  • Re-shift for future PPVT shift

  • Leave polling location to next shift of volunteers

Download this sheet here.

Still have questions? Email hi@voterev.org