Vote tripling pledge collection while registering voters volunteer toolkit (nonpartisan)

This is a material intended for nonpartisan audiences and implementations.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at April 20th, 2022


This is a sample volunteer toolkit for your vote tripling pledge collection program while registering voters. Please download and update to your program's specifics.

### Sample Material Begins ###


Collecting vote tripling pledges while registering voters is one of the most effective ways to get newly registered voters involved in the political process. With causes we care about on the ballot, we need as many voters as possible to go out and vote. Your job is easy: (i) stand outside a high traffic location, (ii) register voters, and (iii) ask them to pledge to remind three friends to vote on Election Day!


Make sure you have: 

  • Clipboard (w/ pledge cards and QR code)

  • Voter registration forms

  • Stickers

  • Pens

  • Charged cell phone

  • Clothes for the weather

Setup tips and best practices

  • Pivot every conversation to pledge collection - your attitude is crucial!

  • Record data after each conversation: person’s name, cell, & friends’ names

  • Hand them the pledge card when talking and use QR codes to make things easy

  • Remember your state’s registration laws; if unsure, defer to the state’s website

  • Expect one to two registrations per hour

  • Expect five to eight pledges per hour

"Hey! I’m [name] w/ [ORG], and I’m registering voters. Are you registered at your current address? [If no, help them register and go to ask. If yes, go straight to ask]. We’re also trying to get more people to vote in the next election, and know that your friends are much more likely to listen to you than they are to a stranger like me. Who are three people we can count on you to remind to vote?”

Overcoming nos

“Thank you - I’m already registered!”

“Actually - you’re exactly who I want to talk to! Your friends are going to listen to you more than me.”

Doesn’t want to share names

“I totally understand! I assure you we’re not trying to collect data, you can share initials or even nicknames, as long as you know who you’ll be reminding!” OR Share who you’re reminding.

“All my friends vote” or 

“I already reminded my friends”

“You know what, I thought so too! But, I reminded my {friend/family/etc} and they’d forgotten! So, do you know anyone that would benefit from a reminder?”

“I can’t think of who to remind”

“Most voters remind family members or neighbors. Some people even remind their exes {think of some fun categories to prompt conversation}”

### Sample Material Ends ###

Download this material here.

Still have questions? Email