Vote tripling pledge collection while phonebanking script (for all audiences)

Recommended language for adding vote tripling pledge collection language to your phonebanking script. This material is intended for all audiences and implementations.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 16th, 2022

Below is our recommended language for adding vote tripling pledge collection to your phonebanking scripts, as well as tips for making a strong ask no matter what response you receive.

(1) Follow script

Follow your script for starting calls with voters. The vote tripling ask is not the sole script component, it often comes after the volunteer ask.

(2) Vote tripling ask (to IDed supporters)

One more thing, we know we need everyone to win and a message from a friend goes a long way! Can we count on you to remind 3 friends to vote? 

[If Yes, select appropriate response like marking the activist code]

Thank you! I’m reminding {share who you would remind}, who are you thinking of reminding? 

[If they share names: Enter the names below in the Notes ex. your sister, John, and Nia]

[If No, leave blank] {Consider addressing hesitations if they have them, see below}

Whether or not they share names: Great! Finally, can you confirm your cell phone number?

Best practices

  • Make sure to ask the voter who they'll remind. Ask for names or nicknames so they know they don't have to share identifying names if they don't fell comfortable. It's only important for them to know who they're reminding!

  • Address hesitations that the voter may have using the list of common hesitations below.

Common hesitations

1. Can’t think of whom to remind  

No worries! Can you think of a family member, co-worker, or neighbor who can use a reminder?

2. Can’t think of three friends

No worries. If you can only think of two or one, that’s totally fine! You will still be helping get more people out to vote. 

3. Doesn’t want to share names

I totally understand. I'm not trying to collect data. You can share initials or even nicknames, as long as you know who you’ll be reminding!

4. All their friends already vote 

That’s awesome! I find that it can be nice to get a reminder from a friend just in case they’re really busy on Election Day or have something unexpected come up.

Download this script here.

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