Incorporating vote tripling pledge collection into your canvassing program (nonpartisan)

An overview of how to collect vote tripling pledges while canvassing. This materials is intended for nonpartisan audiences and implementations.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 15th, 2022


Vote tripling pledge collection is an optimized, commit-to-vote pledge that involves two steps: (1) securing a supporter's promise to encourage three friends to vote for Democrats and (2) following up with a timely text reminder to the supporter before Election Day. 

This guide lays out several ways campaigns can incorporate vote tripling pledge collection into their canvass scripts and collect pledges, to send personalized reminders before Election Day. Which method works best will depend on the campaign’s script, budget, and goals. 

Incorporate vote tripling into your canvassing script

Volunteer ask

All voters spoken to 

Vote tripling ask: 

Pledge ask 

All who say “Yes!”

Collect the
pledge information

The vote tripling ask should go somewhere in the canvassing script after IDs, often towards the end and after the volunteer ask. The goal is to solicit firm commitments to reach out to friends and family, as well as the first names of their friends and family. Nicknames or initials work as well.

Different forms of pledge collection

1. Collecting pledges with a pledge card

One option to collect vote tripling pledges is a standard pledge card. The card linked above can be customized with the campaign's branding or edited as needed. In this instance, the canvasser makes the ask to supporters and either fills out the card, or asks the voter to complete it, and collects the card. Then, they record the pledge data in an app or spreadsheet.

2. Collecting pledges with a postcard

Vote tripling is a very easy add-on to existing commit-to-vote postcards or can be its own standalone postcard. In addition to anything else the campaign wants on the pledge card, the card should contain the voter’s name, and the names/nicknames/initials of the three friends. Additionally, canvassers should confirm they have the accurate cell phone number for voters so that the campaign can still send a reminder via SMS. For voters who are hesitant to share a cell phone number, the postcard can be a good alternate option in order to ensure voters receive a reminder in at least one way.

3. Collecting pledges with a canvassing app

Vote tripling pledge collection can occur via any canvassing app used to collect other survey data. Simply add vote tripling as an ask, and make sure there are data recording elements to notate whether the voter said yes to reminding 3 friends to vote, and the friends’ names they share. Then instruct canvassers to confirm the cell phone number of the voter, either by sharing what’s listed in the app or asking the voter for their number. You can see our guide to incorporating vote tripling into MiniVAN here.


  1. Vote tripling ask. One last thing - we know we need everyone to win and you’re the best person to speak to your friends and family! So, can we count on you to remind 3 friends to vote?”
    1. If yes“Awesome! I’m reminding [names or titles of friends or family you’re reminding]. Who are you thinking of reminding?" [if using pledge or post cards, turn clipboard or card toward voter with pen facing them, if possible]
  2. Whether or not they share namesGreat! Finally, can you confirm your cell phone number?”  [share the # you have for them if it’s listed]

Managing data

The canvasser should be set up to record two pieces of data (via MiniVAN, pledge card, postcard, or whatever the canvasser is otherwise using):

  1. Whether the person has agreed to remind three friends to vote

  2. The names, nicknames, or initials of those friends, if available 

  3. Their cellphone number

Overcoming common hesitations (all versions)

  • “All my friends vote.” → “That’s what I thought too, but when I reached out to my friend {NAME} last election, it turned out she forgot it was Election Day.” or “I hear you - but there’s a lot going on right now and it’s always nice to get a reminder from a friend, just to be safe.”

  • “That’s your job / I don’t think I’m up to that / Why me” → "We’re out here doing the best we can out here to win these races, but talking to your friends and family is your superpower. You can get through to folks we have no way of reaching, and they’ll really listen to you." 

  • “I’m already phone banking/text banking/etc” → "Awesome! Do you think you can hit up a few friends or family too? You know as well as I do how hard it can be to catch strangers at home."

Sending reminders

Regardless of whether the pledger provided names or not, the campaign should send a reminder SMS shortly before the election, if there is a cell number on file (See our SMS guidance on sending reminders)

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