On-the-spot vote tripling while canvassing best practices (nonpartisan)

Our field-informed best practices for OTS vote tripling. This material is intended for nonpartisan audiences and implementations.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 16th, 2022


Asking supporters to remind three friends to vote is a powerful way to reach more voters from each conversation and increase turnout! And if Early Voting is underway (or if the vote-by-mail (VBM) application period is open), on-the-spot (OTS) vote tripling while canvassing is one of the best ways to have voters remind friends to vote! 

Once you’ve confirmed their support, ask the voter to get out their phone, then instruct them to send a reminder text/call to three of their friends. You can have sample language on your clipboard but encourage voters to speak to their friends like they would normally. 

Canvassers should also be prepared with a QR code that populates a text message with key information about how to vote, stuck to the back of their clipboard, or otherwise easy to access. Of course, the campaign or nonprofits can pursue this version without the QR code — the QR code simply makes it easier to get messages sent on the spot by providing a ready response to “I’ll do it later.”

Structure of incorporating OTS vote tripling into your canvassing script

Volunteer ask

All voters spoken to 

Vote tripling ask: “Text three friends right now & remind them to vote!” 

All who say “Sure!”

Encouraging them to text on-the-spot

Sample script w/ different approaches

Past implementations have found that a canvasser’s OTS text rate increases if i) the volunteer has a QR code with pertinent electoral information and/or ii) gives the voter swag for completing the ask. Regardless of the method, the opening line from the canvasser will always be the same.

Vote tripling ask“One more thing: Voting has already started. Can you text three friends right now to remind them to vote? They’re going to listen to you much more than they’ll listen to me.”

If yes & using QR code variant“Awesome! To make it super easy for you — we have some prepared info you can forward them about how to early vote here in [location]. Can you scan this QR code and text a few friends right now?” [Walk forward and put QR code within line of sight, if applicable]

If yes & using swag variant“Awesome! As a little bonus, we are handing out these [swag] to our supporters that texts three friends." [Walk slightly forward and swag within line of sight]

If no. {Address any hesitations they have using our suggested answers below.}

If still no. “No worries! Well, here’s a flier with the QR code if you want to text three folks later. {Hand voter literature with QR code, if applicable} Thank you for your time and support!”

Overcoming nos

“All my friends vote!” or 

“I already remind everyone I know to vote.

“You know what, I thought so too! But, I reminded my {friend/family/etc.}, and they’d forgotten! So, do you know anyone that would benefit from a reminder?”

Doesn’t want to share names 

“I totally understand! I assure you we’re not trying to collect data. You can share initials or even nicknames, as long as you know who you’ll be reminding!” OR Share who you’re reminding.

“I can’t think of who to remind….”

“No worries, most voters remind friends, family, coworkers. Take your time!” 

Best practices when making the vote tripling ask

  • Encourage the voter to text their friends on-the-spot; give them time to grab their phone, if needed

  • Share categories of people to remind (friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc.) and who you’d remind to vote to help illustrate that you’re not collecting data and to build trust

  • Ask for (or confirm) cell phone number so the nonprofit can send the voter a reminder of their pledge

  • Emphasize impact! Ex: “You’re the best messenger to get your friends to vote!”  

  • Keep it conversational! And match the voter’s pace. This can make them feel heard

  • Use social pressure! Ex: “Everyone I talk to seems to know two or three people who can use a reminder about this election.”

  • Remind them that their friends will stop getting a ton of campaign outreach if they vote early!

  • Use body language to your advantage. When engaging voters or supporters with a QR code, take one step towards them (if able to) and place the QR code in front of them (within their direct line of sight). This helps visualize the ask and makes the voter or supporter more likely to follow through with it.

Download this material here.

Still have questions? Email hi@voterev.org