High traffic on-the-spot relational turnout script and best practices

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 5th, 2023

High traffic on-the-spot vote tripling script and best practices

Thanks for maximizing your impact on Election Day and during Early Voting! 

High traffic on-the-spot vote tripling is the most effective way to increase voter turnout on Election Day and during Early Voting. Your job is easy: (i) stand outside of a high-traffic location, (ii) engage with passersby (iii) ask them to text or call three friends right now to go vote!


Make sure you have: 

  • Clipboard

  • Candy/Stickers/Goodies

  • Pens

  • Charged cell phone

  • Clothes for the weather

Best practices   

  • Make a hard ask; be confident, be clear, and be concise with your ask

  • Talk to everyone; approach people before they come to you; smile and be friendly

  • Use social pressure, candy, or stickers to encourage folks to text on the spot!

  • Record your data after every interaction


Hi there, can I steal a quick minute of your time?”

I’m trying to get more people to vote in the upcoming election, and we know that your friends and family are much more likely to listen to you about voting than they are to a stranger like me.” 

“Can you text 3 people right now and remind them to vote today?  If you remind 3 people right now I can give you this sticker”

“Thank you so much, have a great day!

Overcoming nos & common hesitations

“All my friends vote!” or “I’ve 

already reminded everyone”                  

“Totally! I thought so too but I texted my {example} and they actually forgot.”

“I don’t have time” or “I’ll do it later”    

“Totally, but this is super quick - just send three texts - & I’ll give you a sticker if you do!”

“I can’t think of who to remind…”   

“No worries, most voters remind friends, family, coworkers. Or, who are the most disorganized people  in your life who could use a reminder about voting?”

“Who do you want me to vote for?”

I'm not volunteering for a particular candidate or party. You should vote for whoever you think will do the best job”

Note for the trainer:

When asking passersby to remind three friends to vote, you can expect them to remind between 2.4 to 3.0 friends to vote on the spot. This estimate is based on a pilot test of 300 canvassing-hours of HTOTS conducted by Vote Rev Action Fund in Florida in 2022.

However, when asking for five friends, you can expect a slight increase to 3.13, as found in a HTOTS program conducted by Vote Rev Action Fund in the 2022 Georgia Runoff.

Download a copy of the material here.

Still have questions? Email hi@voterev.org