Vote tripling pledge collection while phonebanking best practices (nonpartisan)

Ask supporters to remind three friends to vote from each conversation to boost voter turnout. This materials is intended for nonpartisan implementations and/or audiences.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 16th, 2022

Script overview

20% of supporters will say yes!

Best practices when making the VTPC ask while phonebanking

  • Share who you’d remind to vote to illustrate that you’re not collecting data and build trust

  • Record data after each call in the Notes below! Use format: #VT: name, name and name

  • Ask for (or confirm) cell phone number so the campaign can send the voter a reminder of their pledge

  • Emphasize impact. Ex: “Your friends and family are going to listen to you more than they will listen to anyone else!"

  • Keep it conversational. And match the voter’s pace; this can make them feel heard

  • Use social pressure. Ex: “Everyone I talk to seems to know two or three people who can use a reminder about this election.” 

Overcoming nos

“All my friends vote!” or 

“I already remind everyone I know to vote.”

“Totally! I thought so too but I called my {example}, and they actually forgot. 

Doesn’t want to share names 

“I totally understand! I assure you we’re not trying to collect data, you can share initials or even nicknames, as long as you know who you’ll be reminding!” OR Share who you’re reminding.

“I can’t think of who to remind…”

“No worries, most voters remind friends, family, coworkers. Take your time!” 

Download this material here.

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