Questions about polling place vote tripling

This articles is intended for all audiences

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 4th, 2023

Which polling locations should I go to?

Polling place vote tripling works best when you can ask as many people as possible to remind three friends to vote, therefore we recommend choosing polling locations that are expected to have large numbers of in-person voters. Our staff can help you choose polling locations - connect with us here, or send us an email at to set up a meeting!


What time of day does polling place vote tripling work best?

In our experience (which equates to more than 10 years worth of PPVT hours!) mornings tend to work best, particularly when polls are first open, and that the “yes” rate is good until the late afternoon. By roughly 5pm, the rate of people texting their friends/family reminders to vote drops significantly, as it is late in the day and many people say they are the last person in their cohort that is voting. You can still have canvassers doing PPVT before the polls close, just set expectations that they will likely have less success compared to earlier in the day. 


How many voters can I expect to become triplers per canvasser hour?

Every canvasser hour, you can expect to have an average of about 3.2 voters agree to remind their friends to vote. Depending on the location, this might range from 2 to 5 voters per canvasser hour. These estimates are based on data from 20,000 canvassing hours of PPVT programs run during the 2020 election.


How many friends do voters who agree to become triplers usually remind to vote on the spot? 

Based on a small pilot of 35 canvassing hours of PPVT conducted by Vote Rev staff in Virginia in 2021, you can expect triplers to remind between 2.4 and 3.0 friends to vote on the spot, with an average of 2.7 friends.


I still have questions about your polling place vote tripling, how can I get them answered?

Fill out this short form, or shoot us an email at - we look forward to speaking with you!
