Questions about vote tripling pledge collection

This content is intended for all audiences

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 28th, 2022

I’ve collected a bunch of vote tripling pledges, how should I send the reminders?

It depends on your program, but we find that SMS reminders work well (phone banking and postcard reminders also work, but depending on program size can be less scalable. You can find recommended reminder language here (LINK). Make sure you are following carrier rules around 10DLC.  

Regardless of how you have collected your pledges, you’ll want to make sure that your pledge data is clean before sending reminders.  Please reach out to us at for any questions about data cleaning.Delete

When should I send vote tripling pledge reminders?

It depends on your program - for example, are you in a state with Early Voting In-Person, Vote-By-Mail, or just one day of voting on Election Day? If you can only send one round of reminders, we recommend doing so right before Election Day.  Please reach out to us at for program-specific help around sending pledge reminders.


Some of my pledges don’t have the names of the people the pledger said they would remind.  How do I send the reminder in those cases?

While a reminder with the specific names, nicknames, or initials of the people the pledger will remind are the most impactful, there is still power in a more generic reminder that asks the pledger to remind their “three friends” to vote.  


Can I collect pledges with a digital form? 

In our experience non-digital pledge collection works best, but if you choose to collect pledges in a digital format, make sure you have a good plan around sending reminders.


Does vote tripling work pledge collection work with paid digital ads?

To date we have not found paid digital ads to be effective in getting people to complete vote tripling pledges, however this is a concept we are continuing to ideate on. For now, we’d recommend using digital for informational ads that help people find their polling place, for example, over vote tripling.


I still have questions about vote tripling pledge collection, what should I do?

Fill out this short form, or shoot us an email at - we look forward to speaking with you!
