Mobilize America sample event language for various tactics (for all audiences)

This article is intended for all audiences and implementations.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 2nd, 2022

When making an event, make sure to fill out all the required fields. For an alternative platform, make sure to provide the geographic locations and times for the voter registration and vote tripling volunteer opportunities and to collect the volunteer’s name, email, phone number, city, state, ZIP, and shifting preferences.

Polling place vote tripling

For event description, please feel free to employ the following:

Thank you for signing up as a polling place vote tripling (PPVT) volunteer! PPVT is a powerful tactic that uses data-driven relational organizing to increase voting. It’s simple, but proven effective: stationed at a polling place, we ask voters who have just cast their ballot to stop and remind three friends to vote. It’s a 15-second ask that makes a big impact with every positive conversation because those voters are the best people to get their friends and family to vote. Every conversation you have has an impact on the election!

Here's what you’ll do

1. Sign up below for one (or more!) three-hour shift in a polling location or Early Vote site.

2. We'll follow up with training dates and times, and you'll attend a one-hour training online.

3. You'll receive your designated polling place assignment very close to Election Day. In some areas we won't know until right before where the polls will be open - so, we need to be scrappy!

4. For your shift, you'll show up in personal protective gear and start asking folks exiting the polls to text three of their friends/family to come vote.

5. You'll stay outdoors near the exits of the polling location.

How do we know this works? 
Vote Rev and Vote Rev Action Fund have run more than a dozen pilots on polling place vote tripling. We have consistently found that about 65% of voters asked will say yes and on average will remind three friends to vote. In one hour at a high-traffic voting location, you can expect at least 5-7 voters to say yes to reminding 3 friends to vote. This translates to, at least, 18 relational contacts from close friends (the more powerful GOTV messengers). 


High traffic pledge collection

For event description, please feel free to employ the following:

Thank you for signing up as a high traffic pledge collection volunteer! Turning out voters is crucial for our democracy and high traffic pledge collection is a simple, but proven effective tactic that uses data-driven relational organizing to increase voting. You will ask folks to take a moment to pledge to remind three of their friends or family to vote in the upcoming election! It’s a short ask that makes a big impact with every positive conversation. You'll be assigned to a high-traffic location where you can talk to a lot of potential new voters, and the campaign will then send reminders of their pledge to folks closer to election day.

Here's what you’ll do

1. Sign up below for one (or more!) three-hour shift.

2. We'll follow up with training dates and times, and you'll attend an online training.

3. You'll receive your designated location assignment very close to your shift date.

4. For your shift, you'll show up in personal protective gear and ask folks to remind three friends to vote with your pledge collection materials!

How do we know this works? 

Vote Rev and Vote Rev Action Fund have conducted over a hundred hours of field work on high traffic pledge collection in Virginia, Georgia, and California. In one hour at a high-traffic location, you can expect to make at least 12-18 pledge asks. We found that approximately between 25% and 40% of people who get asked will pledge to remind three people to vote, which will generate lots of additional effective relational contacts. 


Voter registration with vote tripling pledge collection

For event description, please feel free to employ the following:

Thank you for signing up as a voter registration and vote tripling pledge collection volunteer! Registering voters is at the core of our democracy and vote tripling pledge collection is a simple, but proven effective tactic that uses data-driven relational organizing to increase voting. You will ask folks after they have registered to take a moment to pledge and make sure three of their friends vote too! It’s a 90-second ask that makes a big impact with every positive conversation. You'll be assigned to a high-traffic location where you can talk to a lot of potential new voters.

Here's what you’ll do

1. Sign up below for one (or more!) three-hour shift.

2. We'll follow up with training dates and times, and you'll attend a one-hour training online.

3. You'll receive your designated location assignment very close to your shift date.

4. For your shift, you'll show up in personal protective gear and start asking folks to register to vote and to pledge to remind three friends as well!

6. This isn't a partisan ask of voters: it's about making sure voters in majority-minority precincts get to vote!

How do we know this works? 

Vote Rev and Vote Rev Action Fund have run more than a dozen pilots and have consistently found that about 65% of individuals asked will say yes and will pledge to remind three friends to vote, on average. In one hour at a high-traffic location, you can expect to register 1-2 new voters and have at least 15-20 people agree to pledge. These pledges would translate to, at least, 40 relational contacts from close friends (the best GOTV messengers). 


Download this material here.

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