Polling place vote tripling volunteer recruitment script

This article is intended for nonpartisan audiences.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 25th, 2022

 Sample language for PPVT volunteer recruitment via phones

Vote tripling, like many asks, is most compelling when made with confidence, so callers may personalize rather than read it verbatim. Below is our recommended language for PPVT volunteer recruitment via phones, as well as tips for addressing hesitations.

Sample script language

Calls to supporters

Hi {vote name}, this is {caller name} I’m volunteering with {campaign name}. Thank you so much for supporting {candidate for office} this year. 

Pause for response

I’m calling to ask if you can help get out the vote to make sure {candidate name} wins, by volunteering at the polls. Research shows our supporters are more likely to vote if they receive a reminder from a friend, so community members like you are volunteering at the polls to encourage voters to get their friends to vote. 

Right now we’re asking volunteers to sign up for a 3-hr shift on {day and time} and {day and time}. Which one of these works best for you? 

If yes 

Great! I’ll make a note and we’ll follow up with more information as we get closer to that date. Look out for an email from us.

If no

I understand, does another day work better for you? We’ll be conducting shifts through Election Day. 

Conclude call with appropriate next steps.

Common questions and best practices

Additional language to address hesitation:

  • “With your help at a polling location, we can reach up to 54 voters in 1 shift and increase turnout. Plus it’s a lot of fun!”

  • “Data-driven tactics like polling place vote tripling to turnout voters we may otherwise not be able to reach.”

  • “We're making sure everybody votes by unleashing the power of voters by asking them to text three friends to come vote too!”

If they ask for more information.

What you’ll be doing is called polling place vote tripling. You’ll be assigned to a polling location, and will stand outside of the electioneering limits, and ask people who have just voted to stop and remind 3 friends or family members to vote. There is no technology, you are simply talking to voters after they’ve cast their ballots.

If they’re nervous about volunteering alone.

Share that they will receive training, and if applicable, that they will be paired with another volunteer so that they aren’t alone. As well as have a point person assigned from the campaign who they can contact during their shift.

If they’re worried about COVID safety.

Validate concern and share that relative to other in person activities, this can be conducted in a safe way to minimize exposure. While, like any activity, there is a risk of contraction, they will be outdoors, can socially distance themselves from others and wear a mask. 

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