Polling place vote tripling script and best practices volunteer toolkit (nonpartisan)

This material is intended for nonpartisan audiences and implementations.

Written By Ani Kelemdjian (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 16th, 2022


This is a sample script and best practices sheet for volunteers doing polling place vote tripling. Please download and adjust to your program's specific needs.

### Sample Material Begins ###

Polling place vote tripling is the most effective way to increase voter turnout on Election Day and during Early Voting. Your job is easy: (i) stand outside of a polling location, (ii) talk to voters after they’ve voted, and (iii) ask them to text or call three friends right now to go vote!


Make sure you have: 

  • Clipboard
  • Candy, stickers, goodies
  • Pens
  • Charged cell phone
  • Clothes for the weather

Best practices

  • Get to polling locations early (when polls open-2 PM) and scout out exits
  • Talk to everyone wearing a mask; remember, 65% should say yes
  • Respect the electioneering limit (check your state’s laws beforehand)
  • Make a hard ask; be confident, be clear, and be concise with your ask
  • Wear comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather
  • Use social pressure, candy, or stickers to encourage folks to text on the spot! 


“Hey! Thank you so much for being a voter!  My name is ___________ and I’m out trying to get more folks to vote. Can you text three friends right now and get them to go vote?”

Overcoming nos

“All my friends vote!” or “I’ve 

already reminded everyone”                  

“Totally! I thought so too but I texted my {example} and they actually forgot.”

“I don’t have time” or “I’ll do it later”    

“Totally, but this is super quick - just send three texts - & I’ll give you a sticker if you do!”

“I can’t think of who to remind…”   

“No worries, most voters remind friends, family, coworkers. Take your time!” 

### Sample Material Ends ###

Download this material here.

Still have questions? Email hi@voterev.org